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KZ  Kazakhstan (7)
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GE  Georgia (995)
AZ  Azerbaijan (994)
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LT  Lithuania (370)
EE  Estonia (372)
GB  United Kingdom (44)
CA  Canada (1)
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AU  Australia (61)
NL  Netherlands (31)
MD  Moldova (373)
AF  Afghanistan (93)
AL  Albania (355)
DZ  Algeria (213)
AD  Andorra (376)
AO  Angola (244)
AG  Antigua and Barbuda (1-268)
AR  Argentina (54)
AT  Austria (43)
BS  Bahamas (1-242)
BH  Bahrain (973)
BD  Bangladesh (880)
BB  Barbados (1-246)
BE  Belgium (32)
BZ  Belize (501)
BJ  Benin (229)
BT  Bhutan (975)
BO  Bolivia (591)
BA  Bosnia and Herzegovina (387)
BW  Botswana (267)
BR  Brazil (55)
BN  Brunei (673)
BG  Bulgaria (359)
BF  Burkina Faso (226)
BI  Burundi (257)
KH  Cambodia (855)
CM  Cameroon (237)
CV  Cape Verde (238)
CF  Central African Republic (236)
TD  Chad (235)
CL  Chile (56)
CN  China (86)
CO  Colombia (57)
KM  Comoros (269)
CG  Congo (242)
CR  Costa Rica (506)
CI  Cote d'ivoire (Ivory Coast) (225)
HR  Croatia (385)
CU  Cuba (53)
CY  Cyprus (357)
CZ  Czech Republic (420)
CD  Democratic Republic of the Congo (243)
DK  Denmark (45)
DJ  Djibouti (253)
DM  Dominica (1-767)
DO  Dominican Republic (1-809, 8)
EC  Ecuador (593)
EG  Egypt (20)
SV  El Salvador (503)
GQ  Equatorial Guinea (240)
ER  Eritrea (291)
ET  Ethiopia (251)
FJ  Fiji (679)
FI  Finland (358)
FR  France (33)
GA  Gabon (241)
GM  Gambia (220)
GH  Ghana (233)
GR  Greece (30)
GD  Grenada (1-473)
GP  Guadaloupe (590)
GT  Guatemala (502)
GN  Guinea (224)
GW  Guinea-Bissau (245)
GY  Guyana (592)
HT  Haiti (509)
HN  Honduras (504)
HU  Hungary (36)
IS  Iceland (354)
IN  India (91)
ID  Indonesia (62)
IR  Iran (98)
IQ  Iraq (964)
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IT  Italy (39)
JM  Jamaica (1-876)
JP  Japan (81)
JO  Jordan (962)
KE  Kenya (254)
KI  Kiribati (686)
KW  Kuwait (965)
KG  Kyrgyzstan (996)
LA  Laos (856)
LB  Lebanon (961)
LS  Lesotho (266)
LR  Liberia (231)
LY  Libya (218)
LI  Liechtenstein (423)
LU  Luxembourg (352)
MK  Macedonia (389)
MG  Madagascar (261)
MW  Malawi (265)
MY  Malaysia (60)
MV  Maldives (960)
ML  Mali (223)
MT  Malta (356)
MH  Marshall Islands (692)
MR  Mauritania (222)
MU  Mauritius (230)
MX  Mexico (52)
FM  Micronesia (691)
MC  Monaco (377)
MN  Mongolia (976)
ME  Montenegro (382)
MA  Morocco (212)
MZ  Mozambique (258)
MM  Myanmar (Burma) (95)
NA  Namibia (264)
NR  Nauru (674)
NP  Nepal (977)
NZ  New Zealand (64)
NI  Nicaragua (505)
NE  Niger (227)
NG  Nigeria (234)
KP  North Korea (850)
NO  Norway (47)
OM  Oman (968)
PK  Pakistan (92)
PW  Palau (680)
PA  Panama (507)
PG  Papua New Guinea (675)
PY  Paraguay (595)
PE  Peru (51)
PH  Philippines (63)
PL  Poland (48)
PT  Portugal (351)
QA  Qatar (974)
RO  Romania (40)
RW  Rwanda (250)
KN  Saint Kitts and Nevis (1-869)
LC  Saint Lucia (1-758)
VC  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1-784)
WS  Samoa (685)
SM  San Marino (378)
ST  Sao Tome and Principe (239)
SA  Saudi Arabia (966)
SN  Senegal (221)
RS  Serbia (381)
SC  Seychelles (248)
SL  Sierra Leone (232)
SG  Singapore (65)
SK  Slovakia (421)
SI  Slovenia (386)
SB  Solomon Islands (677)
SO  Somalia (252)
ZA  South Africa (27)
KR  South Korea (82)
SS  South Sudan (211)
ES  Spain (34)
LK  Sri Lanka (94)
SD  Sudan (249)
SR  Suriname (597)
SZ  Swaziland (268)
SE  Sweden (46)
CH  Switzerland (41)
SY  Syria (963)
TJ  Tajikistan (992)
TZ  Tanzania (255)
TH  Thailand (66)
TL  Timor-Leste (East Timor) (670)
TG  Togo (228)
TO  Tonga (676)
TT  Trinidad and Tobago (1-868)
TN  Tunisia (216)
TR  Turkey (90)
TM  Turkmenistan (993)
TV  Tuvalu (688)
UG  Uganda (256)
AE  United Arab Emirates (971)
UY  Uruguay (598)
UZ  Uzbekistan (998)
VU  Vanuatu (678)
VE  Venezuela (58)
VN  Vietnam (84)
YE  Yemen (967)
ZM  Zambia (260)
ZW  Zimbabwe (263)

Welcome bonus gives a 30% bonus on your first deposit. This means that when you open an account with $5,000 dollars, we will add to your account another $1,500 dollars.

Time-limited offer.

lg1 lg2 lg3 SL Security Certificate - 256 Bit With Strong Encryption

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Eurozone economy grew by 0.2% in the third quarter

31.10.2018 11:00:40

Consolidated GDP of the 19 eurozone countries in the third quarter showed minimal growth rates since the second quarter of 2014. According to Eurostat, its growth was 0.2% compared with a 0.4% rise in the previous quarter. According to experts, an increase of 0.4% was expected. Regarding the third quarter of last year, the eurozone economy increased by 1.7%, while economists had predicted a rise of 1.8%. The EU economy grew by 0.3% in the third quarter, slowing growth after rising 0.5% in the second quarter. Its growth in annual terms was 1.9%.

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