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DJ  Djibouti (253)
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EC  Ecuador (593)
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SV  El Salvador (503)
GQ  Equatorial Guinea (240)
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KN  Saint Kitts and Nevis (1-869)
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VC  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1-784)
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SM  San Marino (378)
ST  Sao Tome and Principe (239)
SA  Saudi Arabia (966)
SN  Senegal (221)
RS  Serbia (381)
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SL  Sierra Leone (232)
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SB  Solomon Islands (677)
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ZA  South Africa (27)
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SS  South Sudan (211)
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SD  Sudan (249)
SR  Suriname (597)
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TO  Tonga (676)
TT  Trinidad and Tobago (1-868)
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TR  Turkey (90)
TM  Turkmenistan (993)
TV  Tuvalu (688)
UG  Uganda (256)
AE  United Arab Emirates (971)
UY  Uruguay (598)
UZ  Uzbekistan (998)
VU  Vanuatu (678)
VE  Venezuela (58)
VN  Vietnam (84)
YE  Yemen (967)
ZM  Zambia (260)
ZW  Zimbabwe (263)

Welcome bonus gives a 30% bonus on your first deposit. This means that when you open an account with $5,000 dollars, we will add to your account another $1,500 dollars.

Time-limited offer.

lg1 lg2 lg3 SL Security Certificate - 256 Bit With Strong Encryption

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The construction of a coal mine in the UK was approved for the first time in 30 years

21.03.2019 10:01:39

The construction of a deep coal mine was unanimously approved by the council of the British county of Cumbria, the Financial Times reported. The decision to build a coal mine was made in the UK for the first time in more than 30 years. The project for the construction of the Woodhouse Colliery mine on the Irish Sea shelf is estimated at 180 million pounds. It is expected that commercial production here will begin in about 2 years. According to the estimates of the project operator, the volume of production of West Cumbria Mining per year will be about 2 million 400 thousand tons of coking coal. Coal reserves suggest this level of production for more than 100 years. Putting the mine into operation will create about 2.5 thousand jobs in the country.

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