The M&A committee of the UK said that from Friday to Sunday, three rounds of applications for participation in the auction for the purchase of the British television operator Sky will take place. Against the backdrop of a real struggle for Sky between 21st Century Fox and Comcast corporations which lasts for 21 months already, the British regulator was forced to resort to an auction. Publicly, the amount of applications submitted will not be disclosed until the end of the auction. As MarketWatch writes, a successful offer is likely to be something that will exceed the capitalization of SKY, currently more than $35 billion. Both Fox and Comcast, claiming to purchase Sky, expect that this acquisition will allow them to expand foreign operations.
After a record decline seen last quarter, Britain’s economy is expected to grow at its most rapid pace in decades. The recovery is likely as large portions of the economy resumed operations after coronavirus-related lockdowns were lifted. Despite ...
Great Britain’s economy was seen dropping at its most rapid pace in centuries. This was mainly from the disruptions brought by the virus crisis on demand. However, it has a high chance of recovering from inactivity next quarter as more ...
WASHINGTON - The U.S. securities inspector on Monday forewarned corporate executives against insider dealing during inconvenience caused by the coronavirus, in an unusual statement that emphasizes the chaos cascading through financial markets. Company ...
Japan, represented by Finance Minister Taro Aso, assailed the tax reform proposal presented by the United States saying that it could compromise or disable global efforts to agree on new rules in imposing taxes on huge tech firms. The finance ...
British shoppers will have to face a tougher market situation by getting relatively higher prices and reduced supply of goods if the Boris Johnson-led British government won’t be able to iron things out with the European Union on regulatory ...